New System to Enhance Access to Justice for Survivors of Gender-based Violence

March 31, 2021

 FSVU Director, Supt Delilah Sandeka (centre) with UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Dirk Wagener – at launch of new system.

The United Nations Development Programme is partnering with the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) to launch a new information management system that will better protect women and girls across the country. 

 The launch of the new Information Management System will allow law enforcement authorities to better coordinate, and for the Family and Sexual Violence Unit (FSVU) to improve access to justice and referral pathways in aid of family and sexual violence survivors.  

 Superintendent Delilah Sandeka, the FSVU Director representing RPNGC at the launch – with UNDP Resident Representative for Papua New Guinea, Mr. Dirk Wagener – said the system will make certain all FSVU teams are well equipped with more information to better handle family and sexual violence cases.   

 “The aim is for women and children to feel safe at home and to be able to more readily access Police FSVU services when needed across the country. This will save more women and their children from repeat acts of violence,” she said.  

 Ms Sandeka is responsible for managing all 46 FSVU teams across the country, through which 115 staff work to provide law and justice services. The Information Management System will allow for more timely sharing of information between the Royal PNG Constabulary, Safehouses, Papua New Guinea’s Magisterial system and NGOs working to support women.  

 UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Dirk Wagener said, “UNDP is proud to be supporting this important work. Gender-based violence has no place in Papua New Guinea. This information and file management system is another step towards ending GBV and to enable access to justice for survivors.  

 “Women stand at the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, as health care workers, caregivers, innovators, community organizers and as some of the most exemplary and effective national leaders in combating the pandemic. The crisis has highlighted both the centrality of their contributions and the disproportionate burdens that women carry.” 

 “We are reminded of the continuing struggle to achieve greater gender equality highlighting the importance of women's full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of gender-based violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.”  

This support was made possible through the UNDP Rapid Response Facility, a global response facility which was setup to support countries facing the risk of increased incidents of gender-based violence during COVID-19 pandemic related lockdowns and restrictions. UNDP Papua New Guinea contributes USD 250,000 (PGK875,000) in 2020/21 to support efforts on gender-based violence prevention and related law and order challenges.